Special machinery for the prelimarily fibre breaking treatment of various wools, cloth fragments, yarn heads, hemps and waste materials. ...
Machinery for Clothing Industry, Hydraulic Auto Machines
Uniquely designed for the cutting of synthetic fibres, rejected cotton, nylon yarn, tetron yarn, yarn head, cloth fragments, hemps, cotton, paper and/or other sheets, threads, coils etc. For any uniformed length. ...
Hydraulic Auto Machines, Machinery for Clothing Industry
Auto equipment inside, it only needs operator to tie rope with cotton box, 5HP fan blower, recover pipe for aitomatic transfer. ...
Uniquely for the regeneration of various chemical and synthetic fibre, yarn head, waste cloth, hemps, etc. ...
Machinery for Clothing Industry
Textile Machinery, Machinery for Clothing Industry, Machinery for Leather Industry, Machinery for Shoe Industry
Machinery for Shoe Industry, Machinery for Leather Industry, Machinery for Clothing Industry, Textile Machinery
Machinery for Leather Industry, Machinery for Clothing Industry, Textile Machinery
Machinery for Clothing Industry,
Adaptable for any size of scissors or shears-which after sharpening will become as sharp as the new ones. ...
Machinery for Clothing Industry, Sewing Machines
Machinery for Clothing Industry, Other Sewing Machines
K-5000g Hp Air Spray Gun
Hot Plate Welding Machine
Reduced Pressure (rp) Spray Gun , Xrp Spray Gun
Stainless Steel Pressure Pots
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