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Product Search Results for Bulk Coaxial Cable
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copper clad aluminum magnesium wire

copper clad aluminum magnesium wire - 0.1-3.0

The CCAM wire is made up by using alloy wire as core. It adopts the advanced coating and welding technology in the world. Plating copper concentrically on the concentric line of ally wire realizes metallurgy combination between copper coating and alloy.... More

zhejiang shaoyang cable co.,ltd
Main Products: copper clad steel, copper clad aluminum, copper clad magaluma.... More
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tinned copper clad steel

tinned copper clad steel - 0.1-1.2

Tinned copper clad steel is made by covering a coating of tin on the surface of copper clad steel wire by hot dip method, the metallic cohesion is perfectly between the layers, and there will be no flaking off during the heat treatment or mechanical... More

zhejiang shaoyang cable co.,ltd
Main Products: copper clad steel, copper clad aluminum, copper clad magaluma.... More
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tinned copper clad aluminum magnesium

tinned copper clad aluminum magnesium - 0.1-1.2

Tinned copper clad aluminum magnesium is made by covering a coating of tin on the surface of copper clad aluminum magnesium wire by hot dip method, which is made up by using alloy wire as core. It adopts the advanced coating and welding technology in the... More

zhejiang shaoyang cable co.,ltd
Main Products: copper clad steel, copper clad aluminum, copper clad magaluma.... More
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