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Product Search Results for Herbal Extract
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Cranberry Extract Powder-extracted from Vaccinium oxycoccos

Cranberry Extract Powder-extracted from Vaccinium oxycoccos - 1

Vaccinium oxycoccosCranberry contain proanthocyanidins (PACs) that can prevent the adhesion of certain of bacteria, including E. Coli, associated with urinary tract infections to the urinary tract wall.We have a GMP certified extract factory to produce... More

Us Herbal Extract Company
Send Inquiry for Cranberry Extract Powder-extracted from Vaccinium oxycoccos
Saw Palmetto Extract Powder-extracted from Serenoa repens

Saw Palmetto Extract Powder-extracted from Serenoa repens - 4

For centuries, the crude extracts of saw palmetto have been used to improve sperm production and to increase breast size and sexual vigor, but its most effective and only scientifically based use is to improve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia... More

Us Herbal Extract Company
Send Inquiry for Saw Palmetto Extract Powder-extracted from Serenoa repens
plant extract

plant extract - plant extract

Tea Leaf and Botanical Extracts Supplier--Professionals of Tea and Botanical ExtractsWHO ARE WE?We are professional in Chinese Tea and Botanical Extract industry. Naturalin Bio-resources Co., Ltd is a manufacturer, professional planning provider and... More

naturalin bio-resources co.,ltd
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