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Product Search Results for Projector
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TV projector

TV projector - SQ640

If you want to play Video Games, see the movie, watch TV or even use your computer on a screen of 90+ inches at very high resolution, but really don't want to pay the price that large screen TVs require, this is the product you have been waiting... More

Soky Digital Technology CO.,LTD
Main Products: TV projector... More
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TV projector

TV projector - SQ338

If you want to play Video Games, see the movie, watch TV or even use your computer on a screen of 90+ inches at very high resolution, but really don't want to pay the price that large screen TVs require, this is the product you have been waiting... More

Soky Digital Technology CO.,LTD
Main Products: TV projector... More
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TV projector

TV projector - SQ800

If you want to play Video Games, see the movie, watch TV or even use your computer on a screen of 90+ inches at very high resolution, but really don't want to pay the price that large screen TVs require, this is the product you have been waiting... More

Soky Digital Technology CO.,LTD
Main Products: TV projector... More
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portable projector

portable projector - BI-007

1. Self-4GB flash memory card ,2. Insert TF card and mico SD card ,support 32GB3. Have computer , DVD, USB, AV/VGA interface4. Have external speaker, to restore the home theater effect5.Can carry mass of MP5( including PPT files) at any time6.... More

Best Imaging Development Co., Limited
Main Products: digital pocket video recorder, portable projector, toner cartridge... More
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